Click on a link below if you want to see an introductory film on Youtube.
Video 1 – A first impression of the Science of Love
This first video contains a short introduction of the epoch-making event, which have taken place in our time. The author and his work is presented. The cosmic world picture, is introduced by means of a few symbols.
Length: 15 min.
Video 2 – A window towards eternity
The third video constitutes a survey of the main thread in the Third Testament by means of 18 selected symbols. The author and his works are presented and placed in their true context. This introduction has made a pilgrimage throughout Denmark and Sweden, in the form of an exhibition, to make Martinus’ works known to the general public.
Length: 41 min.
The texts and cosmic symbols of Martinus are copyright protected by The Institute of Martinus Spiritual Science, Copenhagen, Denmark. All rights reserved.